This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he…
Category: Sin
Correction or Judgment
When God afflicts His children in correction, He has specific aims. His purpose in the correction is to purge His children of their sin and bring them to a state of greater happiness and holiness of life. It is for their good! To the child of God, every affliction is a correction. God never sends random or unnecessary…
Whose Portion is in This Life
In speaking of the sinner “whose portion is in this life” (Psalm 17:14), John Owen says this: “This is their consolation: a crackling of thorns under the pot, a sudden flash and blaze, that begins but to perish.So that both adversity and prosperity slayeth them; and whether they are laughing or weeping, they are still…
Naked and Exposed
“And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:13 To the unconverted man, woman, or child this is a fearful truth. From birth until death, every evil deed, both internal and external, has been by God and will…
Adam Broke All Ten Commandments
Adam’s sin in the garden of Eden was not simply the eating of forbidden fruit. His sin was extremely wicked and vile. If the single sinful act of eating the fruit was the tree’s trunk, then its many offenses are the limbs of that one tree. Never underestimate or minimize the heinous nature of a…
The Heart
The heart is the great workshop where all sin is produced before it is exposed to open view. The heart is the mint where evil thoughts are coined, before they are current in our words and actions: “Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts” The heart is the nest in which those hornets breed. The…
Man at his Best State is Vanity
“Truly, every man at his best state is altogether vanity!” Psalm 39:5 By Adam’s fall, man has become a pile of dust, a puff of wind, a dream, a shadow, a puff of smoke, a worm, a debased soul, a curious nothing. Yes, man having fallen from his primitive glory, has become altogether vanity, says the psalmist in…