My name is Lee Dodd. I am…
* …40 years old, born & raised in Texas, currently living north of the DFW metroplex.
* …a husband, married almost 22 years to my precious wife, Amber.
“We’re so happy. The Lord himself has turned our sorrow into joy, giving us the garment of praise for a spirit of heaviness. Oh to be married to the one you love, and love her most tenderly and devotedly, that is bliss beyond the power of words to express. I want to thank God, the giver of all good gifts for this best of earthly gifts!” ~ Hudson Taylor, missionary to China
* …a pastor, currently serving the saints of Providence Chapel.
* …a father, with two precious daughters, Carly (18) and Marianne (17).
* …a Calvinistic Baptist, I affirm the five “solas” of the Reformation and glory in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
*…a reader of puritan works like that of John Flavel, Thomas Watson, John Bunyan, Thomas Brooks, John Owen, and Thomas Boston.
Contact: You can reach me via email by clicking here.